Business · Life

January Recap and February Goals

So January flew by wayyyy faster than I anticipated.  I feel like I was just setting my January goals and now suddenly it’s time to reevaluate and look forward to the next month.  My days were extremely full this month, in the best way, and I was able to get a lot of things done this month that I would normally have just procrastinated on and let slide.  This is how my January turned out and what I’m looking forward to for February:

Weekly Goals:

I feel like I failed on most (all) of the weekly goals I set for myself this month.  I don’t feel too badly about it though since I got so many other things accomplished and these weren’t goals that necessarily hurt me not to complete. I’m going to keep these goals the same for February.

  1. Moving my wake-up time to 5:30am.  FAIL.  I actually moved it back to 7am because I just Could. Not. Do. This.  For some reason over the holidays and time off when I didn’t need to wake up early that’s all my brain wanted to do.  But physically hearing my alarm go off at that time just made me want to through my phone across the room.  I’m going to leave this on this list since I’d still like to see if I can start trying to wake up earlier each day, but I’m not going to worry about it if it doesn’t happen. 
  2. Get back into working out at least 3 times a week. FAIL AGAIN. Other than chasing Stella The Boxer around the backyard in the mornings and evenings there was absolutely no working out this month.  This fail bums me out because the low energy levels just seems like a vicious cycle.  I know that when I workout I have more energy, but I could not seem to find the energy in me to even want to attempt a workout this month.  I am going to push for this one next month. 
  3. Post at least once a week.  Yea this didn’t happen either.  Once every two weeks which isn’t very much at all.  This goal is staying on this list for February as well. 

Monthly Goals.

  1. List and sell the current flip house.  Fail.  We are still really close on this one but still a few things that need to happen before we are ready to list.  They are smaller yet time consuming items, like painting the garage and staging.  This stays on the list.
  2. Closeout 2018 bookkeeping for both businesses.  PASS.  I was able to finish both of these projects.  Normally I’m a full quarter behind but I am trying to change that so this was a big win for me.  Both my day job books and the construction business books are complete for 2018 and ready to file tax returns.
  3. Find an empty lot and get started on a new build.  PASS.  We have the lot and an interested buyer for a new build.  We are currently working on logistics to get this project started and will have updates as it progresses.
  4. Start a new remodel.   We started and completed two new remodeling jobs this month for customers which was great for business.  The goal would be to start at least one new job each month for new customers (on top of our own existing projects). This way we can continue to grow our customer base and build up the business.

One of the other things I did this month was take a look back on my personal finances for the last year and see where I spent money and what adjustments I can make to save more money going forward.  Since the ideal goal is to have complete financial freedom, accounting for spending and finding ways to save money is usually at the top of my list for helping me reach that.  I’ll be detailing the specific steps I took in a separate post, but the spending review is something I plan on now doing on a monthly basis as well. 

I think this is it for now.  How did your January turn out?  What are the goals you’re working on for February?