
February, March AND April Recap and Goals Update

I can’t believe we are already in May.  February, March and April feel like they just blew by.  So many things have happened since my last update and before I knew it, two full months had passed since my last post.   This is what’s been going on since then and where I am with my goals for the first quarter and year. 

Weekly Goals:

I’d still really like to at some point make some time of progress on these goals.  So far I’ve failed at each and every one.  I’ll still keep them on the list because I really would like to start incorporating each of these things into my life.

  1.  Wake up at 5:30.  I did actually move my alarm back to 6:30 from 7 after sleeping in for all of January, but that’s about as early as I’ve been able to get it.  Maybe this will be the month.  I’m going to work on this since it will tie in directly with my goal of getting back into working out. 
  2. Work out at least 3 days a week.  This is my most embarrassing fail.  I NEED to get back to working out.  It’s like I can feel my body deteriorating and I KNOW that I will feel better once I start but I have yet to get started. 
  3. Post at least once a week.  Obviously this didn’t happen.  It’s been 2 entire months since my last post.  Where did that time go?

I haven’t thought of anything new I’d like to add in to my weekly routine so these goals haven’t really evolved so much.  I think I should probably make some progress on my existing goals before I try adding anything else.

Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly Goals:

  1. List and sell the current flip house.  This one is getting there.  Our builder sign went back up this week and we’ve started getting phone calls on this property.  I would like to have this sold by the end of the summer. 
  2. Get started on a new build.  We got under contract and broke ground on the first new construction of the year during the first week of March!  We are 9 weeks in and are currently about 70% of the way complete.  We’ve been fortunate so far that things have been progressing quickly and hopefully this will continue and everything will go according to schedule.  The updated goal for this project will be to have this competed and closed / sold by October (7 month new construction schedule).  I’m actually hoping we can get it done sooner but this is the current projected time frame. 
  3. Additional new builds.  So once we got underway on the first new construction it seems like everything just started coming together all at the same time.  We are currently under contract on two additional new construction projects – bringing our total to 3.   The goal would be to have all three completed and closed/sold by the end of this year. 
  4. Decluttering / Clearing out my house.  On a non-business related note, I have been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of “things” I have in my house.  It seems like everywhere I look I’m surrounded by STUFF.  I love keeping my house clean and have my lists of daily and weekly tasks that I do to make sure it stays this way.  But it feels like it’s to a point that even when all the cleaning is done, I still don’t feel relaxed.  This month I’d like to go through the house and donate / sell / get rid of whatever I can. 

So this will probably be it on the list for now.  We’ll see how this month goes.  Next month we will already be halfway through this year and my mind is just having the hardest time comprehending how quickly the time has been passing.  I am looking forward to seeing how the next few weeks develop so I will have another update in June.

How has your year been so far?  What goals have you met and how have your goals evolved as the months have passed?