
Hello Again…

Hello again.

I’ve been trying to process how it’s been almost a year and a half since my last post. 

So many things happened so quickly last year and it just never slowed down!

So many times I sat down to write and just couldn’t wrap my head around where to start and what I wanted to say.

As I write this now, my mind struggles to stay on track and focus on getting everything out instead of just closing up my laptop and putting it off for another day…again.

I’ll start by going back to May of last year and my last post.  At the time, we had a flip house that we were trying to finish up and a new build in process.  Both of those were completed along with several more new builds through the end of the year.  It turned into a very busy 2019, in the best way. 

I believe 100% that putting goals down in writing and putting everything out into the universe is a huge part of making them come true.

Something that wasn’t on the goals list but was just as much of a positive was Stella the Boxer became a mama!  This was planned but also scary because it was a first for me and for her as well.  Stella the Boxer is an amazingly beautiful sweet girl, and I knew her puppies would be beautiful and sweet just like her.  I am not a professional breeder and will not breed another dog again, but that entire process was an experience I will never forget.  And I love all of our new boxer babies who aren’t quite babies anymore.  I’ll be posting about that experience later.

There were many more things that happened but those were the big two that kept me busy through the end of 2019.  Of course from there we came in to 2020 and with that came new goals and aspirations.  But none of us could imagine that we would experience a full-blown pandemic, which has brought it’s own challenges and opportunities as well.

My big goal is to stay consistent with the blog and continue to post and grow the website, that way another year doesn’t pass by before I realize how long it’s been since I last posted.  I’m looking forward to getting back into the groove of things.

How about you?  What goals have you been working on for 2020?  How close are you to achieving them?